If you’re having trouble with the video player, please use this contact and state your issues http://screenwavemedia.com/contact-us/. Or contact @screenwavemedia on Twitter. Thanks
]]>I think the layout’s good (although for some reason it only shows on the left side of my screen) and the content’s great, but it does look a little sparse. Maybe add some backgrounds and try some cooler looking fonts? Wish I could help further, but as I say, you’re already much better than me!
]]>@JamesRolfe’sNewBaby How do you know she’s not in 7th grade? I’m sure you were born able to make fantastic websites, but not all of us were. If you’re such a great web designer, how about you give her some helpful tips instead of being a jerk? Keep at it Marissa Cole, it’s way better than my attempts and you can only improve!
]]>I have Firefox, and I do have problems with this on occasion, as well. When it does occur, I usually switch the resolution from HD. That usually solves the problem for me.