on him*
my reply is at the bottom, sorry 🙂
It was my last comment ever on this whole site, Good Luck Everyone !
I’m not a hater. Though I wouldn’t have had any problems if James had put his movie up for everyone to watch supported by advertisements, or if he sent out codes or links to the donators to allow them to stream the movie at no charge. Some here like to try and bust my balls about my position, but I’m not the one who got probably nearly half a million dollars in free money to go film a movie to then charge those same people again just to watch it.
I also think if you get to make a movie for free and you can’t let the people who paid for it watch it at no charge, then you are probably in the wrong business or should be doing something else. Though my opinion is I just think it’s an easy money grab.
]]>Now youre talking with sense.
So im happy that you opened your eyes, but i hope your not gonna be blind hater now. Next time try to see things as they really are, see positive and negative sides of everything, its my best advice for you.
And as we are talking about donations, not every one is bad, if you like retro gaming check “AGDQ” on youtube, they are rising money for fighting with cancer by speedrunning games (live, twice in one year), mostly old classic ones(nes and snes are my favourite to watch), this is really good cause to support someone.
But that was about the only donation thing I’ve done. Though, I did donate to the AVGN some time before the movie thing. But I won’t donate anymore to AVGN. Yes, I realized later on the whole AVGN movie donation thing was a bunch of crap. But at the time James made his donation request for the movie, I didn’t see anything suspicious at that time.
Essentially, it comes down to people wanting others to pay for their projects instead of them paying for it themselves.
Don’t know if you saw the recent brand new episode of South Park. But they did a funny episode about the “Kickstarter” thing.
]]>Ow man, second reason of course, but i dont agree hes just a bad greedy person, life isnt black/white, you should know that as a grown person.
Btw. Your parents never said to you “never trust a stranger”? 😉
Fact is James stated the plan was/is to have investors involved but that he MAY not need them based on the donations. James never said there are/were no investors involved, just that he MAY not need them.
So, does James have investors or not? I don’t know, but I can only go by that James stated that it was in his plans to have investors and has never commented otherwise since.
So based on James charging his “donators” to watch the movie they paid to get made, it lead me to suspect that he may be doing that because of “investors” wanting their money back.
Because I’ve asked this and asked this and no one here is brave enough to answer it. Are you? Here’s the question:
Explain what would the point be for James to be charging his “donators” to watch the AVGN movie? What is the point of that?
One reason would be to get more money from the “donators” to help pay off investors. That’s just one reason I can see.
Another reason I can see is that James is just a bad person using this as an opportunity to just get more money from his “donators” to put in his pocket. I bet he laughs at all of the donators every time he gets done filming one of those “Thank you donators” videos while he drives to the bank with all that sweet extra FREE cash from the AVGN movie donators.
]]>Wig Fitzpatrick,
I said “profits”. i.e. the money you make after expenses. I assume James is keeping that as I’ve seen no announcement of the “profits” going to anyone other than possible investors that may or may not be in play as James mentioned at one point in having investors.
And you mention James having to “pay actors, pay for locations, pay for equipment, pay for crew, pay taxes on everything, etc.”
Uh, no. The DONATORS paid for all of that assuming there are no investors. So me being an AVGN donator helped pay for that.
I don’t get my sources from “IMDb” as anyone can edit that with whatever info they want like Wikipedia.
I don’t know why you keep referring to me as being “entitled.” I donated money. I mean go put your “entitled” attention to James begging people for free money. I believe the goal was first at $75K, then James KEPT RAISING THE LIMIT IN ORDER TO GET MORE AND MORE FREE MONEY. So point your “entitled” comment there as the only one who got FREE STUFF here is JAMES. Over $300K+ in FREE STUFF that James can then use to generate PROFIT for HIMSELF.
Go ahead and tell me who here has gotten FREE stuff, you won’t because your only answer will be “James” which will make your “entitled” comments looks stupid.
I do have to mention that I donated through this site BEFORE Indiegogo was even mentioned. I donated after James stated he needed other peoples money to go make a movie by referring to ALL of his videos being ad based free to watch. So that is why I donated because James made it seem like he was needing the free money from people to make an ad based movie. Which made sense to me.
If James stated he wanted me to give him FREE MONEY to make a movie so he could use that to then charge me to watch it so he can earn profit off of me paying for his movie to get made and paying to watch it, then I wouldn’t have donated. Fact is I donated early on by watching a video of James asking for FREE MONEY to go make a movie under misleading statements trying to make it seem like he needed the money to support an ad based movie.
And I’m not asking for anything for FREE. Even if I received a no-charge download of the movie, or take it to the next step a no-charge Blu-Ray copy of the movie, then I’d still be OUT MONEY compared to what I donated. As I donated more than it costs to own this movie. So no, quit saying I’m wanting something for free because either way I’m out money that went to James.
And I really don’t understand why you have a problem with this unless you are responding as a fan-boy only. This sounds fair to me that James gets a FREE movie that was paid for by his donators that James can then use to generate a lot of PROFIT for himself. And so I think it is very fair for James to “DONATE” a no-charge viewing of the movie to his donators since they are the ones who paid to get it made and thus put James in a position to make a lot of FREE money off of a FREE movie.
Like I said, I donated early on BEFORE Indiegogo. So I don’t really care what was said in there. But either way, I think it is crappy of James charging his donators to watch a movie they paid to get made.
Most people here who seem to have a problem with that are people WHO DIDN’T DONATE. So I say they have a problem with that because they are afraid of their “subsidized” movie possibly being in jeopardy if all of a sudden the donators got a free viewing and thus the price of the movie could go up for the people who didn’t donate.
]]>Okay, let me correct one of your points: you cannot withdraw money from a food stamp card. It is 100% impossible. By impossible, I don’t mean it’s really hard to do (like winning a Medal of Honor). No, I mean it’s impossible, like drinking an ocean. Whoever told you that was a thing was either wrong or lying, plain and simple.
Instead, I’ll use this comparison to show your anger: imagine if a parent caught their kid doing something wrong. The parent then scolds the kid by saying they did wrong because they love doing wrong, or they did wrong simply to spite the parent, never once considering it could have simply been an accident. You are that parent. If the movie was considered to be ad-based initially (which I still never heard until you said it), maybe lawyers being involved changed all that beyond his control. Again, many hands stirred this pot. The plans of this movie changed between inception and a year ago, changing further at this point.
Even further, Mr. Rolfe does not “keep all profits”. He has to pay actors, pay for locations, pay for equipment, pay for crew, pay taxes on everything, etc. This was an expensive endeavor. I have no clue why you choose to think he simply pocketed the entirety of the donation pool.
Besides, why do you care? You don’t even want to see this movie! It makes absolutely no sense for you to cause a stink over a movie you don’t even want to see!
But you really do sound entitled. Entitlement is a vicious thought that only does more harm than good. I donated to this movie as well, but not once did I claim I shouldn’t have to pay. Why? Because I was never promised I could see it for free! I was told I would get an autographed poster, which I got. I never added extra stipulations.
Btw, that video mentioned nothing about actually having investors, just that he tried getting them. If I may add a source of my own, go to the IMDb page for the AVGN Movie. One of the trivia points states how there were no investors at all since fan donation amassed beyond the original aim.