Comments on: AVGN series – Accurate season list Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:16:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jay Hicks Wed, 25 Mar 2015 07:16:18 +0000 I really hope we get to see the nerd ride again soon!

By: llirium Fri, 03 Jan 2014 21:35:38 +0000 In reply to TwistedSpeech.

Yeah, you’re right. Things are two episodes off without the two-parter TMNT 3 review, and one off if you count the current (combined) episode.

That’s kinda messed up, and probably something The Nerd could rant about.

For reference sake, you still got that list you send to James? Could you post it somewhere? I’m OCD about this kind of stuff.

By: rizefall Sun, 15 Sep 2013 15:31:01 +0000 Request / Question. Is it not possible to construct the AVGN Vidoes this way when you look them through on the site? Before Cinemassacre got updated to it’s current design the AVGN episodes were put under the “year label” like it is on wikipedia. I could just choose which “AVGN-year” i wanted to pick a episode from and it was easy. Right now if i want to watch an episode i have to scroll all the way down in the big big list of all the episodes, sure i could just search the name and look it on youtube but who would wanna do that when id rather watch it here on your own site? If not doing it by year at least make it look like the way you just explained here!

Thanks for all the vidoes!

By: Freddie Phillips Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:59:14 +0000 time flys when you’re watching AVGN. I cant believe it has been this many years. Thank You.

By: Ben_from_G-town Tue, 10 Sep 2013 10:55:50 +0000 Oh wow, that’s very interesting. As someone who’s been a huge fan and watching since the Angry Nintendo Nerd days, this was very neat to learn about.

I can see why you didn’t do the Angry Movie Nerd, haha. You didn’t want to work yourself to death. Or maybe you decided you wanted to talk about movies as yourself.

It’s good to hear that you feel refreshed with the current way you are working on the episodes.

By: Rinji Fri, 06 Sep 2013 23:59:01 +0000 Don’t say it will go on forever, that’s very very bad luck, especially for a show such as this.

By: DarkWing Dave Fri, 06 Sep 2013 22:38:58 +0000 In reply to Mike Matei.

Hey Mike… check this out…

By: Davoo Fri, 06 Sep 2013 22:31:57 +0000 OKAY I’M SORRY,

But apparently this comment is too long to post and every time I try to post it it doesn’t work. Sooooo… here’s a link to a Google Doc where you can read it all:

By: Davoo Fri, 06 Sep 2013 22:28:58 +0000 […comment continued. Sorry, I got these a bit out of order]
***Season 2*** So this was when he really cemented his popularity. His reviews here were good, but I feel this season feels a lot more dry and bland compared to what came after. There was a lot of experimentation and new and weird ideas being tried every which way these days. It was interesting, but again, so much of it fell a bit flat for me. I’d say this is the FOURTH least-good season.

By: Davoo Fri, 06 Sep 2013 22:27:09 +0000 […comment continued]
***Season 4*** If this is where he started running out of steam and losing inspiration, I can definitely see it. For the first three quarters of 2009, the reviews did feel very homogenized. Still good, still funny and entertaining and interesting, but in a more ‘formulaic’ way than a ‘direct-from-the-creative-center-in-my-brain wonderful’ way. I’d say these reviews are about on par with the Season 2 videos, but this time for being too similar, instead of being too undefined.
That is, except for the latter half. Yeah, starting at around the Godzilla review, I think most of the rest of this season was as wonderful as the show gets! To be specific, the Castlevania retrospective, Little Red Hood, Winter Games, Street Fighter 2010 and Ninja Gaiden are all CLASSIC videos that felt like James was born to make. So I guess I really CAN’T notice the ‘burn out’ he was going through, after all. When you put it all together, I’d say this was the THIRD best season.
[comment continued…]
