Coming attractions

Mike Matei / November 14th, 2009

ANNOUNCING CINEMASSACRE’S CLIP COUNTDOWN – With the New Year approaching fast, I’m going to take a look back at the videos I’ve made over the years and select 30 of the most bizarre clips. Each one will be extremely SHORT. You may recognize some of them. Others may be so obscure, no one has seen. I will post the first one this Sunday and scatter the rest from now to the New Year.

SUPER MECHA DEATH CHRIST 2000 – This character has guest-starred in many videos, starting with Wizard of Oz 3: Dorothy Goes to Hell but his back story has never been revealed. It was all laid down in an old video which has been on hiatus for a long time. Recently, I decided to finish it and by the end of November you may get to see it.

GHOSTBUSTERS NYC TOUR – Similar to “Rocky Jumped a Park Bench”, but this time I will be in New York City following in the footsteps of the Ghostbusters with the help of PBC Productions. It’s in post-production already and will probably be done in early 2010.

AVGN – The conclusion to the Angry Video Game Nerd’s Castlevania marathon is coming soon. Next, in December, the Nerd will take on a really BAD game again.

And maybe some other surprises.

By the way, in case you’re wondering where the Shit Pickle link went, it’s now under the “Films” link. And then under “Animation”. There aren’t any new episodes planned for a long time, so that’s one of many reasons we decided to move it off the main page.

James’ favorites