AVGN: Back To The Future

Mike Matei / July 29th, 2006

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Episode notes by Mike Matei:
– For Episode 6 the Nerd takes a look at the Back to the Future (NES) as well as BTTF 2 & 3 (NES).
– A clip from this episode appeared on a Viral Video special on MTV in September 2006.
– I remember Kevin Finn who played the Glitch Gremlin was around when James recorded this episode. We had a funny conversation about the game. You know how Marty just walks down the street in the game? What does that have to do with Back to the Future right? Well, I said “They might as well call the game Joe goes down the road”. Because really, walking down the street has nothing to do with back to the future, but that’s basically all that happens.

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